
Minimally Invasive Solution to Uterine Fibroids

da Vinci® Robotics offers a minimally invasive surgery option for uterine fibroids. The myomectomy procedure combines the best of open and laparoscopic surgery.
Among the potential benefits of da Vinci Myomectomy as compared to traditional open abdominal surgery are:

Opportunity for future pregnancy
Significantly less pain
Less blood loss
Fewer complications
Less scarring
A shorter hospital stay
A faster return to normal daily activities

To see if a da Vinci Myomectomy is right for you check out our section on [Minimally Invasive Myomectomy]. …

New Online Patient Education Section Added

The newest addition to the Brownsville OB/GYN website is an extensive patient education section. The section includes information on procedures and conditions regarding gynecology.
The multi-media platform uses  visuals and audio to showcase information from da Vinci minimally invasive surgeries to menopause management. …

da Vinci Surgery is here!

On July 13th, 2012 Dr. Nieves performed the first robotic assisted operation in Brownsville using the state-of-the-art da Vinci system at Valley Baptist – Brownsville. For the first time, Brownsville residents can take advantage of this cutting edge technology and enjoy the faster recovery without needing to travel out of town. …